rock creek Extreme Cleanup

For the past 17 years, the Rock Creek Extreme Cleanup has engaged thousands of volunteers in a people-powered effort to restore the Rock Creek watershed. Extreme Cleanup, which occurs annually for the whole month of April, focuses on tackling litter, a visible form of stormwater pollution, while fostering community engagement and environmental stewardship. In partnership with the Alice Ferguson Foundation, Extreme Cleanup is part of the larger Potomac River Watershed Cleanup initiative.

get involved with Extreme Cleanup

As Extreme Cleanup events are scheduled, they will be added to the calendar below. If none are available at this time, we encourage you to view our full calendar here for more volunteer opportunities.

If you are a Stream Team Leader interested in hosting an event, contact us at

Thank You 2024 Extreme Cleanup Volunteers!

A huge shout out and THANK YOU to the nearly 750+ volunteers who joined us through the month of April for the annual Rock Creek Extreme Cleanup. Together, we removed more than 8,000 pounds of litter from the watershed, in an incredible demonstration of the cumulative impact of people-powered restoration. This is a tremendous support for Rock Creek water quality and the overall park visitor experience.

Check out our Rock Creek Extreme Cleanup photo album to relive the excitement!

This important restoration work would not be possible without your hard work in our watershed. Thank you for dedicating your time and energy to protecting this precious urban oasis.