Tribute Benches in Rock Creek
In some corners of the park, you will find that a very special teak bench has been installed. These are Tribute Benches that have been placed to honor loved ones. We invite you to take a rest there and peacefully contemplate the beauty of Rock Creek. Below, find out more about these unique benches, and those for whom they are dedicated. We appreciate all of the families and individuals who have chosen to honor their loved ones in this way!
Beach and Morrow Drive
Dedicated to the memory of pioneering artist Sam Gilliam (1933-2022) by David Kordansky Gallery. Sam Gilliam was one of the great innovators in American painting. Rock Creek Park was a refuge and inspiration for Gilliam for more than sixty years. In the 1960s, when he was producing the breakthrough works for which he would soon receive wide acclaim, he would bring his baby daughter on walks in the park and stop to make abstract drawings en plein air, responding to the colors, movements, and textures he observed. The effects of these formative experiences are apparent in the varied paintings he made throughout the subsequent decades, during which Rock Creek Park continued to delight and nourish him and his wife Annie Gawlak on a daily basis. Gilliam’s poetic understanding of the natural world, with its inexhaustible sense of change and evolution, moved him to constantly reinvent himself.
Map: 38.96050847666105, -77.04147415089214
Brightwood Complex Bike Rack
Dedicated in honor of Gary Guzy's service as chair of Rock Creek Conservancy's board, this bike rack sits in the park's Brightwood complex, between the soccer fields, tennis facilities, and picnic grove 24. The location honors Gary's previous leadership of his children's soccer teams, his commitment to cycling and 21st century transportation solutions, and prioritizing resources to the east side of the park. Gary has served as the Deputy Director of the White House Council on Environmental Quality and as the General Counsel of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Throughout his career, he has worked to protect public lands from the Everglades to Alaska's north slope, and always comes home to Rock Creek Park.
Map: 38.954807565922394, -77.03913333703339 -
Equitation Field Bench
Dedicated for an anonymous lover of the woods and birds, this bench sits near the Western Ridge Trail, near picnic areas 27 and 28 and the equitation field. Just up the trail from Rock Creek Conservancy’s Trail 9 mini-oasis, the bench provides a respite in an active recreational area of the park. Surrounding the bench is a hilled, forested area made up of mature, secondary growth trees.
Map: 38.94868233027882, -77.04950935453459
Pinehurst Tributary Bench
Dedicated by Mary and Abe Clayman in honor of their fifth wedding anniversary, this bench sits on the edge of the gently flowing Pinehurst Tributary to Rock Creek. This classic mixed mesic hardwood forest and floodplain terrace is punctuated by gorgeous mature white oaks, beech and tulip trees. It is also the site of a delightful trail that follows the Pinehurst Branch ravine from Western Avenue to Rock Creek. Home to numerous native plant, bird, and mammal communities, dedicated volunteers have been hard at work here for the past several years to reclaim this area from the several invasive plants that have threatened to overwhelm the habitat.
Map: 38.97919, -77.05610
Reservation 630 East Bench
Dedicated by Rena Subotnik, this bench overlooks the Reservation 630 area of Rock Creek Park. Owing to the diligent work of Weed Warrior Rena Subotnik and many other volunteers who work with her, a swath of forested area between Connecticut Avenue and the Klingle Mansion is in the process of being cleared of invasives, allowing the native seedbank to revegetate the characteristically steep slopes.
Map: 38.93744835528384, -77.05227088803788 -
Shoreham Drive Bench
Dedicated in honor of William ("Bill") Frey's 75th birthday, this bench offers a place to rest for runners, cyclists, and walkers just before the steep climb between the pedestrian bridge crossing Rock Creek and the Shoreham Drive exit to Calvert Street. Like so many others who regularly take advantage of this heavily used area of the park as a respite from their day-to-day lives, Bill and his wife, Olivia Golden, have regularly walked, cycled and run here over the fifteen years they've lived together nearby. He is thrilled to be able to contribute to the enjoyment of others at this beautiful site, which has the main stem of Rock Creek running behind it and overlooks mature mixed hardwood forests characteristic of the park.
Map: 38.96050847666105, -77.04147415089214 -
Oregon Avenue Tributary Bench
Dedicated in honor of Frederick Ludwig Joutz (1953-2022), this bench sits on a spur between the paved, multi-use trail along Oregon Avenue with the network of natural surface trails throughout Rock Creek Park. The neighborhood around this area has many rain gardens along the streets to protect the Pinehurst tributary, visible behind the bench, from the impacts of stormwater runoff.
Map: 38.97710866258223, -77.05206607988525
This bench, given for the community by an anonymous donor, sits amid Grant Circle in the Petworth neighborhood in recognition of the volunteer service and community activism that has helped preserve the circle and keep it vibrant.
Map: 38.94304480805141, -77.01925935443815 -
The bench located in the Pinehurst Branch of Rock Creek Park near the corner of Aberfoyle Place and Barnaby Street NW is placed in loving memory of Thomas Edward Mauger.
Map: 38.97798240267927, -77.05943608557884
Peirce Mill Bench
Dedicated to the memory of John David Wise (June 22, 1944 - January 26, 2024). David loved Washington DC, and thought Rock Creek Park was particularly beautiful and nourished his soul. This bench sits near the main stem of Rock Creek with views of the fish ladder and Peirce Mill. More information about the mill can be found via the Friends of Peirce Mill. Installed May 2024.
Map: 38°56'28.7"N 77°03'06.0"W
Dedicate a Bench and Help Rock Creek Park Thrive
Honor your loved ones by dedicating a bench in Rock Creek Park
Our team will place and maintain a beautiful wooden bench for a period of five years in a suitable location in Rock Creek National Park that has special meaning for you. This bench will serve as a place of respite that will welcome your loved ones and others for years to come. Further, your gift will help Rock Creek Conservancy undertake the necessary protection and restoration efforts to ensure the park endures for the next generation and more.
Rock Creek Conservancy will recognize your donation of a bench in a number of ways including: we will acknowledge your tribute on the website in the section below and in our e-newsletter, you'll receive a framed photo of the bench, and we'll ensure you have detailed directions to share its location with family and friends.
Only five bench spaces are available in the park each year, so please contact us today if you are interested in this tribute option.
To learn more about our Tribute Bench program, please contact info@rockcreekconservancy.org.