Fort Slocum Picnic Shelter Restoration Project


The Rock Creek Park picnic shelter at Fort Slocum, located in Northwest DC, is now fully restored!

Public-Private Partnership Restores Picnic Shelter

  • Rock Creek Conservancy celebrated the renovation completion in September 2021 with National Park Service representatives, ANC 4B06 Commissioner Tiffani Johnson, and local community members at a ribbon-cutting ceremony. The new picnic shelter will serve as a community gathering space and recreational amenity, along with the addition of a nearby pet waste station.

  • This was a dilapidated but much used picnic shelter at historic Fort Slocum, part of the National Park Service's Rock Creek Park. Through a public-private partnership led by Rock Creek Conservancy, community partners have provided the expertise, materials, and labor to install a new roof, flagstone paving, erosion control, and removed the rusty support beams.

  • Thanks to the generous support of our partners at Landis Architects and Builders for providing in-kind materials and labor working in partnership with other community partners listed below to make this restoration project possible. This is a great recreational amenity for the community and will now be require less maintenance and be more sustainable moving forward. Check out these photos of the work in progress.