Important Oasis update

On February 23, 2022, the National Park Service announced that it will remove the designation of Rock Creek Park resources named for Melvin Hazen. The Conservancy celebrates this decision as a step forward in making the park a more just and equitable space for all (official statement can be found here). Until further notice, the mini-oasis previously known as Melvin Hazen will be referred to as Reservation 630 mini-oasis.

The popular Reservation 630 (the mini-oasis formerly known as Melvin hazen) can be found in the Western section of Rock creek park’s reservation 630 in NW Washington, D.C. near the Cleveland Park Metro. The site has a culvert from which a small tributary starts its flow into Rock Creek. This site needs a significant amount of invasive plant work to restore the forest understory.

Fun Fact
This site directly abuts a National Park Service community garden from the WWII era. In 1942, the National Park Service designated space near the tributary as land available for 16 Victory Gardens  

Status: Currently restoring this site.

Primary issue: Invasive plants

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Site Details

The oasis is bordered by Sedgwick St NW to the North, a social trail stemming from the intersection of Sedgwick St. NW and Tilden Ave. NW to the West, an apartment complex on Connecticut Ave NW to the East and Reservation 630 Run to the South. 

The site features a hilled, forest area made up of secondary growth mature trees. The area currently houses a large variety of invasive plant species including an almost 100% distribution coverage of groundcover English ivy. The site also features bush honeysuckle and a large swath of bamboo directly south of the community garden.

Upcoming Work

Invasive Plant Removal: Invasive plant removal will occur throughout winter, spring, and summer of 2019 in preparation for native planting in the fall. Plants to be removed include English ivy, bush Honeysuckle, porcelainberry, Oriental bittersweet, and bamboo. 

Planting Natives: Rock Creek Conservancy is targetting a fall planting date for this site. This will occur over a series of native shrub plantings designed to introduce a diverse collection of native species to the area. 

Site Maintenance: Weeding, mulching, maintenance, and care of planted trees and other native plants.  

Native species to be planted:
Lindera benzoin - Spicebush
Viburnum dentatum - Arrowwood viburnum
Hamamelis virginiana - Witch hazel
Kalmia latifolia - Mountain laurel
Rhododendron periclymenoides - Pink azalea

Recent Restoration Efforts

Tree Planting by Casey Trees - Site includes about 25 native trees. 
Bush Honey Suckle Removal - Targeted bush honeysuckle removal completed by Conservancy volunteers in 2016 and 2017.

Invasive Bamboo Removal - Conservancy volunteers began removal of invasive bamboo crowding the adjacent community garden in fall 2019.